Giving Thanks

It's that time of the year here in the States. The turkey is thawing to be cooked tomorrow and I'm scrambling to get the last of my work done before spending the next couple of days with some family I haven't seen since before Covid so it's a little more special this year.
I'm thankful for you - thanks for being a reader and listener. I hope that in spite of the insanity we deal with every day that you're able to find some time to relax in the next couple months.

Talking Direct Mail
Check out this discussion with the team from The Mailworks. Creating and sending mail is a part of marketing I love, I've done many campaigns over the years and Brianne and Meagan do a great job of bringing us up to speed on the latest.

Holiday Tech Buying Guide for 2022
Again I've tracked all the advice I've given as family CTO and put it in a post so if you are going to be buying video games, TVs, audio gear, here's what I've got on my list to buy and what to skip.

Leftover Turkey!
Every year Trust Insights posts favorite Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes, check out this year's. I pitched in the Turkey Bacon Sliders

New From Brad Meltzer
I am Superman is a slight turn in Brad Meltzer and Christopher Eliopoulos' Ordinary People Change the World Series, which I've found to be the best kids book series for 12 and under. Superman and Batman are added with these guys both having done a ton of work in comics. The key message of friendship and hope, plus a ton of Easter Eggs makes this a great holiday read.
General "What the Hell is Going On With That"
I'm not sure what we're seeing at Twitter (follow me and I'll follow back) but I'm still there to watch it. If you have any opinions feel free to reply. I'm going with my standard "People hate change and odds are it's not going to be as bad as the press would like it to be." But maybe it could just all explode. I've got my popcorn.
Also watching the Taylor Swift tour tickets with interest. I hate the insane Ticketmaster fees as anyone else but unless somebody figures out cloning it's going to be monopoly prices no matter what?

How to Spend Your Couch Time
I was expecting Spirited with Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds to be a better than average Christmas Movie. I was not expecting the Avengers: Endgame of Christmas Musicals. Special effects, action, story and actually good music makes this well worth the time. I am a sucker for holiday movies and this one delivers big.
Holly Star and Love Hard are two other way better than average holiday movies if that's your thing.
I know I'm late to the party on Daredevil, watching She-Hulk made me go back and get it now that I have it on Disney+ because I was too cheap the first time. The new episodes of Star Trek Prodigy are solid if you are a Captain Janeway fan.
Ok, I have to start cooking! Until next time...